The difference between Dermatologists and Skincare/Beauty Therapists.

If you’re reading this, you probably know that there are many different levels of knowledge when it comes to your beauty and skin health. Just like nutrition, there is A LOT of conflicting information. There is science-backed independent research, there are brand funded clinical trials, there is professional experience and then there is personal testimony.

What’s the difference between a dermatologist‘s clinic that specialises in cosmetic skincare solutions and a skin care beautician or laser clinic chain at your local shopping centre?

Let's start with this, there are qualified and/or certified dermatologists and there are doctors.

Epiphany Dermatology put's it this way.

"Dermatologists are licensed doctors. They’ve completed four years of medical school and two - four years of residency and then another four years to become dermatology specialised.
A cosmetic dermatologist is a dermatologist with the same medical training. Their primary goal is the same too — to make sure you have healthy skin. But they’re also willing to address cosmetic issues like lines and wrinkles that are more of a beauty concern than a medical problem.
An aesthetician is a certified skin specialist who administers cosmetic treatments, but they are not medical doctors or considered cosmetic dermatologists. They specialise in skincare from a cosmetic, not a medical, background"

The benefits of going to a dermatologist for your cosmetic skin care concerns be it peels, lasers, injections, acne or pigmentation treatments, advice and product recommendations, are: They have spent over a decade educating and learning about your issues and use science, chemistry and independent research to inform the recommendations and medical grade treatment they are giving to you.

There is an ugly truth about black market skincare.

Also, all up, it pretty much costs the same.

If you use the SkinLab Regime Builder, you might skip the first appointment. You go in knowing the ingredients you need to be using for your skin type and can get straight to the good stuff, and they'll be really impressed with your dilgence. You're a dream patient ready to take their skincare seriously. They can then give you prescription grade (which means ONLY a doctor can give you access to them) treatment that gives you a higher concentration under an experienced eye.

That's not to say your beauty therapist, laser aesthetician or cosmetic skin care professional with 20 years in the beauty industry isn't experienced. But, their duty is to the company they work for. Sales quotas, product promotions, etc. They also don't have access and aren't held to a medical standard to maintain their specialisation and patient oath.

We see them when we are in shopping malls, driving around the expensive suburbs in our city or endorsed by our favourite social media influencer or celebrity. A medical spa offers treatments, products, and services targeting cosmetic issues. They employ aestheticians, not dermatologists.

Finding the right dermatologist

Here's our tip: Go for a dermatologist clinic that doesn't have walls of packaged 'over the counter' products on the walls in the waiting room. This is the easiest way to tell that the service of professional healthcare is their priority.

A doctors duty is to their patient - it's an oath they take. And they wouldn't be pushing expensive product because 'it works miracles' they prescribe ingredients and prescription drugs because they have the research to know how it will work for you.

Finding the right beauty therapist

There is nothing wrong in going to an award winning Chef for an amazing Michelin Star quality meal, it may not be nutritious but it's a treat and you deserve it!

When you go to a beauty therapist, think of it the same way. Don't go to have something treated (like acne or pigmentation or wrinkles) go to them to have a treat. That soothing or tingly lotion for your facial isn't likely to have the chemical concentration that will give you the results of a dermatologist treatment, but it's an experience. And you are welcome to enjoy it for what it is.

Here's our tip: If they recommend product to you, you need to make a judgement call. If it's expensive and with beautiful packaging. Look at the ingredients. Ask them to tell you what are the 'active' ingredients, what concentration are those actives, what research exists behind the claims that are being made. If you like the product for the smell and the feeling, buy it for the smell and the application feeling, not for promised results and marketing claims.